Custom - 2001 Supporters - 2001 Supporters

2001 Supporters

  Lorraine Benecke
Adelia Hauff
Adeline Zappa
Adina Wortz
Agnes Carlson
Albert Ringate
Albin Czaja
Aldys White
Alice Bredemus
Alice Gronning
Alice Holloway
Allen Smith
Ann Costello
Ardyce Teske
Barbara & Ervin Moser
Barbara Trumble
Beth Leach
Betty Zawislak
Beverly Day
Beverly Leipus
Bruce Johnson
Byron & Lovene Johnson
Candyce Sartell
Catherine & Clifford Zane
Catherine Kapella
Colleen Whelan
Conrad Weeks
Dale & Marlys Ann Bates
Daniel & Dorla Jacobwith Francis Jasper
Daniel & Ruth Foss
Darlene Hartwell
Dennis Lee
Donald & Emma Granger
Donald & Mary Lou Oslund
Dorothy Buchanan
Dorothy Gellerman
Dorothy Hase
Doug & Therese Watson

Margaret Weber
Douglas & Jane Gillen
Ed & Donna Hoffman
Edward & Ione Woodford
Edward Gearty
Elaine Barnard
Ernest Weidner
Esther Clarke
Etta Kirkbride
Evelyn Bjerk
Evie Hamlin
Forest Benson
Frances Ostlund
Frances Schneider
G. Stephens
Genevieve Schultz
Glenn & Olive Hughes
Hazel Ebert
Helen Berres
Henry & Frances Gomez
Herman & Kathleen Kubow
High Foundation
Howard Krave
James & Diane Cain
James & Marian Buchek
James Colbath
Jean Rapacz
Jeanette Opitz
Jennie Haataja
Jerome & Luella Stensrud
Jerrilynn Johnson
Joan Lentner
John & Gladys Westberg


 John & Patricia Jensen
John Borgen
John Kaczmarczyk
John Schneider
Joseph & Beatrice Mahoney
Joy & Richard Berg
Juanne Lindquist
Julie Westerlund
June Peterson
Katherine Hodgson
Katherine Schneider
Laveral McLean
Lavonne & John Wicklund
Lila Morell
Lloyd & Margaret Raymond

Deborah & Loui Redmann
Lorraine Ketter
Lorraine Krefall
Margaret Pribula
Marie Pratt
Marilyn McMullin
Marion Korgy
Marion Pryts
Marjorie McCarthy-Anderson
Mark Leitschuh
Marlene Person
Martin Lerum
Mary Giesen
Mary Peterson
Michael Holzer
Milton Hodson
Muriel Peterson
Orville & Ernastine Erickson
Otto Salchert
Owens Corning
Pearl Duggan
Peter & Shirley Rothstein
Ralph Wuollet
Raymond & Ruth Lottie
Renee Lorenz
Richard & Deloris Widholm

Thaddeus Wyrk
Richard & Joanne Thompson
Richard Klinger
Richard Masterman
Robert & Virginia Therres
Robert Holbrook
Robert Jensen
Ronald Briggs
Ronald Urbanski
Rosalie Vomacka
Roseanna Lane
Ruth Sivanich
Ruth Tubbs
Shirley Barron
Shirley Gish
Signe Nelson
Stanley & Adeline Pendzimas 
Stanley Kozak
Suzanne Reedy
The Patrick Henry
Theresa Orgon
Timothy & Deborah Nelson

Phoebe Nosker
Tom Meyers
Tony Lobash
Tora Hanson
Violet McClay
Walt Johnson
Warren & Ann Kaari
Wendell Olson
William & Marie Hawkinson
Winton Olson


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2001 Supporters

At Camden Pet Hospital we are committed to providing quality care for pets and their people.  Our doctors and professional staff understand the human-animal bond and
 treat all with genuine caring and compassion.
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We will provide exemplary care to every patient.
Your Health and Satisfaction Is Our Goal.
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Our 20+ years of experience along with the Coldwell Banker Burnet resources make us a winning combination for you!

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