Custom - 1997 Supporters - 1997 Supporters

1997 Supporters

A. B. Myhre
A.G. Boe
Adeline Zappa
Adina Wortz
Albin & Delores Czaja
Alex Stein
Alice Gronning
Alma Brick
Amelia Gulden
and the Yoshida family
and the Yoshida family
Angeline Thompson
Ardith Hammerstrom
Ardyce Teske
Arlene Kulseth
Arvid & Harriet Erickson
Audrey Olson
Becky Kordahl & Robin Boulton
Beth Leach
Bill & Marie Hawkinson
C. McInerney
C.M. Norgren
Carlton Lonn
Carol Johnson
Cecelia Baker
Charity Brand
Charles Wilhelmi
Clare Kolodjski
Colleen Nelson
Dale Knutson
Daniel & Dorla Jacobwith
Darlene Carpenter
Darlene Polo-Kramer
David Lund
Delmer & Valeria Larson
Delores Larson
Donald & Emma Granger
Donald Desmond
Donald Russell
Donna Juneski
Dorothy Buchanan
Dorothy Hase
Dorothy Jensen
Earl Juntilla
Elizabeth Treptau
Elmer Swanson
Elmo & Gladys Moen
Eugene Eggleston
F.J. Hanson
Florence Ricker
Forest  Benson
Frances Benson
Frances Ostlund
Francis & Helen Jasper
Frank & Betty Zawislak
Fred & Helen Berger
Geneva Temple
Genevieve  Zoldahn
Geraldine Rettke
Gladys Niederloh
Grace Brusaw
Hazel Ebert
Helen Hauber
Helen Omholt
Henrietta Meline
Henry & Frances Gomez
Henry & Irene Mruz
Ida Neseth
Isabelle Bjelland
Iva  Christensen
J & M. Gildea
J.F. Klein
Jack Shug
James  Hofmann
James & Delores Smithey
Jane Gillen
Janet Droneck
Jean Rapacz
Jim Hartmann
Joe Mullery
John & Doretta George
John & El Dora Coyle Crivits
John & Eleanor Peluf
John & Gladys Westberg
John & June Schneider
John & LaVonne Wicklund
John & Patricia Jensen
John Adam
John Kaczmarczyk
John Mooney 


 Joseph Harrer
Joyce Elaine Plasch
Joyce Peterson
Judith Harrigan
Katheyn Lettengarver
Kathy Hartwell
Kenneth Jones
Kfrank Kowalczyk
L.E. Benecke
L.V. & Margaret Vashro
Leon Setten
Leonard Kimmes
Lester Scherfenberg
Lloyd  Paulson
Lloyd Raymond
Louaine Larson
Luverne Rehkamp
Marie Hagen
Marie Lewis
Marie Piepho
Marion Korgy
Mark Leitrshuh
Martha Lahti
Martin Lerum
Martin Rider
Mary Hammond
Mary Hanley
Mary Yurick
Michael Osgood
Michaeleen Kelzenberg
Mr. & Mrs. John Borgen
Mrs. A. A. Carlson
Mrs. Harold Thompson
N.A. Hofmeister
Nan Anderson
Nancy Beals
Nancy Fiske
Norbert and Ann Lentner
Paul Sather
Peter & Shirley Rothstein
Phoebe Nosker
R. Lane
Ralph Biorn
Renee Lorenz
Richard & Janet Gelden
Richard & Joy Berg
Richard Erikson
Richard Widholm
Rita Jakala
Rob Ramer
Robert & Ruth Sivanich
Robert & Virginia Therres
Robert Blair-Ramer
Robert Hare
Robert Holbrook
Robert Lane
Robert, Marcella & Cecilia Warth
Rosalie Vomacka
Rose Solac
Roy & Janet Baker
Russel & Ruth Carlson
Ruth Smith
S. M. Randall
Sheridan Granger
Shirley Anderson
Shirley Gish
Signe Nelson
Special thanks to Mary Yoshida
Stan Pendzimas
Stanley Bruce Kozak
Stanley Dale
Susan Hartfiel
Thomas and Janice Van Asch
Thomas Meyers
Timothy & Anne Peiffer
Tom & Cheryl Fuller
Tora Hanson
V.R. McClay
Verna Evans
Vernie Lindquist
Violet Anderson
Wallace Engstrom
Walt Johnson
Warren & Ann Kaari
Wendell Olson
Werner and Ann Johnson



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1997 Supporters

At Camden Pet Hospital we are committed to providing quality care for pets and their people.  Our doctors and professional staff understand the human-animal bond and
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