Arts - Spring Student Recitals - Camden Music School presents ...Spring Student Recitals

Camden Music School presents ...Spring Student Recitals
By: Staff  06/01/2007
Camden Music School presents ...Spring Student Recitals

    Camden Music School (CMS) invites you to attend their third annual spring recitals.  Your presence, encouragement and enthusiasm will be greatly appreciated! CMS now has over 150 students enrolled so the recitals are held on two afternoons – Saturday, June 2 and Saturday, June 9 at 3 p.m. at Luther Memorial Lutheran Church, 3751 Sheridan Avenue N.

    Performances on June 2 feature the clavé to hand drum class, piano, drum kit, voice and flute students, and the premiere performance of the yet-to-be-named CMS choral ensemble. The June 9 recital brings the guitar, bass guitar, voice and drum kit students together to play Kansas City in a rock ‘n roll band. Violin and viola, trumpet and piano students will also be featured. 

    Receptions will be held immediately following the recitals. Enjoy cookies and coffee, and congratulate the students and teachers in person. The recitals are free, though donations to the Camden Music School Scholarship Fund, a sponsored project of Our Neighborhood Works, are accepted. For info contact 612-618-0219, or


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Camden Music School presents ...Spring Student Recitals

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