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What’s up with Northside arts
By: Connie Beckers  02/01/2007
What’s up with Northside arts

Well, friends, I have a new job. No, I didn’t quit the glass business. I was chosen to be the part-time Executive Director of the Northside Arts Collective (NAC) — a real honor and dream come true for me! I’ve spent a few years helping NAC get off the ground so I am very proud to be chosen for this job and vow to continue to do my best to promote our mission to unite, enrich and advance the Northside community through the arts.

    The establishment of the executive director position adds to the already impressive list of accomplishments of our young organization. Last year saw the creation of the first board of directors, 501(c)(3) nonprofit designation, the successful Spring Art Party at North Commons Park, first art resource catalog, partnership in the first Northside FLOW art crawl and the Peace Ball, exhibition and sales opportunities, and NAC’s new home in the historic Capri Theatre at West Broadway and Oliver.

    Our first big project this year is a partnership with the NorthPoint Health and Wellness Gateway Project “Families Opening Doors.” With generous funding from the Sundance Family Foundation, NAC and NorthPoint are launching a revolutionary plan to include artists on social service teams and help families who have experienced multiple obstacles to succede, and create better lives for themselves. 

    We’ve begun planning for Spring Art Party 2007 set for Saturday, June 9 at North Commons Park. The date was changed to accommodate the neighborhood garage sales and we chose North Commons again because of the overwhelmingly positive responses to the shady paths and generous parking. There are plenty of opportunities for everyone … artist or not! Contact or 612-643-2050 and we’ll put you in touch. We’re especially anxious to find someone to coordinate a talent show this year.

    As executive director, I plan to pursue a number of new ideas including a reformation of the Artists Roundtable, exhibition possibilities and more opportunities for artists and their neighbors to get to know one another better. While studies prove it to be true, I also personally believe that the key to turning a community around is the arts. Most people are drawn to art – no pun intended. I believe art presents an opportunity for dialog among people with different perspectives who can learn from one another. Through this process, I believe we can learn to set our differences aside and work together to build a thriving community.



            There’s never been a better time to get involved. Membership in NAC is not limited just to artists or Northsiders, but is open to anyone with a desire to help us further our mission. We’re forming committees, developing strategies and creating exciting opportunities and the more people we have involved, the better chance we’ll have of representing the diverse artists of our community! Our office is in the Historic Capri Theatre, 2027 West Broadway and hours are Tuesday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. There’ll, of course, be fluctuations for off-site meetings, power lunches and hob knobbing, so it’s a good idea to call first. Contact 612-643-2050, or visit


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What’s up with Northside arts

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