Front Page - Creating Value through Diversity - Creating Value through Diversity

Creating Value through Diversity
By: Kurt Lawrason  12/01/2007
Creating Value through Diversity

On November 10 over 200 citizens gathered for the unveiling of the new logo and slogan for North Minneapolis at the Minneapolis Park Board Headquarters, overlooking the beautiful Mississippi River and stunning Minneapolis skyline! Present were residents, city officials, elected officials, Northside employees, business owners, neighborhood representatives and nonprofits to promote the Northside as a great place to live, work, play and learn.


    The Northside Task Force worked for two years on this project; last year they set up a marketing strategy involving various organizations and neighborhoods. This year they hired Affinity Marketing to create the logo and design. The logo and slogan design features a cutting-edge design of a leaf with the words “North Minneapolis” and the slogan “Creating Value through Diversity.” Each word in the slogan was chosen because of its meaning. Visit for info all the task force’s literature, advertising, communication — hopefully each neighborhood will adopt the logo for use in individual streetscape banners using their own colors and neighborhood name. 


    A new 13-member board was also elected: Business representatives - Anderson Mitchell and Don Allen; nonprofit representatives — Michael Kestner and Crystal Christian; neighborhood representatives — Jerry Moore, Georgianna Yantos and Jenn Yates; at-large representatives — Mark Bell, Darryl Berry, Shirlynn LaChapelle, Calvin Littlejohn, Lisa Mitchell and Deb Wagner. This new board will raise funds from individuals, businesses and foundations, and will direct staff, implement the marketing plan and work with committees. Standing committees include: Branding, Working with the Media, Telling Our Stories and The Resource Hub. If anyone is interested in joining one of these committees call Allan at 612-521-4500.


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Creating Value through Diversity

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