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Give your input on Lowry Avenue
Give your input on Lowry Avenue

How would you like to see Lowry Avenue look like? After nearly a year of public meetings and planning the Lowry Avenue Strategic Plan: An Update to the Lowry Avenue Corridor Plan is ready for review. It's the fruit of a planning process initiated by the five neighborhoods that border Lowry Avenue in North Minneapolis-Cleveland, Folwell, McKinley, Hawthorne and Jordan. It captures public and stakeholder input, providing a more detailed vision for Lowry Avenue. And it offers a set of implementation strategies that can be undertaken to realize that vision. The goal is to build on the 2002 Lowry Avenue Corridor Plan in two ways: It sharpens the vision for Lowry Avenue established in the 2002 plan, and it offers a set of implementation strategies to further the goals of the plan in areas such as fostering new development and strengthening business districts. Many community members and other stakeholders participated in focus groups or public meetings focused related to this plan. So check it out at lowry_strategic_plan.asp. You can also see it at each of the neighborhood offices (see pages 8 and 9 for addresses/office hours); North Regional Library, 1313 Lowry; or City of Minneapolis Planning Division, Room 110 Public Service Center, 250 South 4th St.

    There's also a second document ready for your input on a proposed zoning map for Lowry Avenue. This effort was also the subject of a public process, and is available for review at the same locations. The formal public comment period for both the plan and the rezoning documents runs through October 28. Submit your comments to Thomas Leighton, Principal City Planner, City of Minneapolis, 612-673-3853, begin_of_the_skype_highlighting or thomas.leighton@ ci.minneapolis.    

    After October 28 both the plan and rezoning map will be taken up by the City Planning Commission for review and action, most likely on November 15. This meeting would allow for public testimony as part of a public hearing. Comments received during the public comment period will be forwarded to the City Planning Commission so that they can inform the action of the Commission.

    The plan is being funded by neighborhood NRP monies and a City of Minneapolis Great Streets grant. Consultant services are being provided by Cuningham Group, Biko Associates, and Donjek. City of Minneapolis staff are serving as the project manager.


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Give your input on Lowry Avenue

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