Front Page - Your opinion matters - Your opinion matters — so does your vote on November 7

Your opinion matters — so does your vote on November 7
By: Staff  12/01/2006
Your opinion matters — so does your vote on November 7

On Tuesday, November 7 take a few minutes out of your day to affect the next two to six years of your life. You can do it — you can make an effect on schools, taxes, health care, crime — just by going to the polls and casting your vote. It’s not just your civic duty, it’s your responsibility, it’s important to us all living in a civilized society. We live in a democracy — but less than half the folks here in Camden even bother to vote. Don’t sit back on the couch and scream at the TV when things are going wrong — vote.

    This year there are many offices up for election and local referenda — we’re including a sample ballot from Hennepin County which includes much of the Camden area. You can find other sample ballots and your polling place at

    Looking at your ballot ahead of time is a good idea – it speeds up the process once you’re in the voting booth. If you see candidates you’re not familiar with, you can find out more info about them in local voter guides or candidate websites. The Hennepin website includes other election and voting info, or call 612-348-5151.

    Minnesota has always been on the forefront of democracy — you can register on Election Day at your polling place. To register to vote you must be: a U. S. citizen; resident of Minnesota at least 20 days before Election Day; at least 18 years old by Election Day. If you’re currently registered to vote, you don’t need to register again unless you have moved to a different address, changed your name, not voted during the last four years, or just returned from military duty and last registered to vote where you were deployed.

    To register to vote on Election Day at your polling place, you must provide proper identification (ID), such as: a Minnesota driver’s license, learner’s permit, state identification card or tribal card that has your current address (or the receipt for renewal or change of license or ID); a “notice of late registration” from your city clerk, if you pre-registered to vote but didn’t make the deadline. If your ID doesn’t have your current address, bring one of the following documents, even if it has your previous address: Minnesota driver’s license, state ID or tribal ID, U.S. passport, U.S. military ID, Student ID from a Minnesota college, and a bill for electric, water, gas, telephone, cable TV, sewer, or trash pickup that has your name and current address, with a due date within 30 days of the election. If you have none of these, another registered voter living in your precinct can come with you and vouch for your residency.

    If you care about your family, your home, your block, your Camden Community, your city, your state, your country or the world — vote on November 7.


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Your opinion matters — so does your vote on November 7

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