Letters to the Editor - 11 2009 Neighbors helping neighbors - Neighbors helping neighbors

Neighbors helping neighbors
By: Veronica Ochoa Webber-Camden  11/01/2009
Neighbors helping neighbors

    I would like to create a Northside Citizens Patrol (NSCP) with a growing number of concerned Northside citizens that are willing to help patrol Northside neighborhoods and report criminal activities to police via 911 and any other means available.

    Why? Because of the Northside crime rate and the elements of crime, and the shortage of patrolling police that are able to watch for trouble and discourage criminal activities. This high crime rate discourages good people from moving here, adversely affects current decent folks already living here, and lowers the value of our homes. NOMI and other neighborhood groups are trying to reverse these trends with positive advocacy for our neighborhoods through home ownership marketing but, we need more action!

    We would like to start the patrol in Webber-Camden. We are inviting all other Northside neighborhoods to form their own patrol groups and work through the NSCP. We will have a complete program in place so you can just plug in and go.

    The goal of the NSCP would be to make the Northside a "hard target" for thugs, thieves, and juvenile delinquents, and the crimes they commit...and to discourage criminals from staying in the Northside. We want to make the Northside a no-tolerance zone, where all our residents can again feel safe to go for a walk, or just be outside, and to raise a family.

    The NSCP will be extra eyes and ears for the police, to spot criminals, to interrupt criminals in the act, to identify criminals and act as witnesses if needed for their arrest and maximum prosecution. Depending on the circumstances, NECP volunteers will be walking, riding bikes and/or driving the area.

    While on patrol most NSCP volunteers would be visually identifiable to both citizens and criminals alike; via elements of clothing bearing the NSCP logo. This visual presence in the neighborhoods will let criminals know that there are people actively looking to turn them in.

    Consider becoming a NSCP founding member or volunteer and assist in whatever ways you are able to get the following established: Legal assistance for 501c3 status in order to apply for grant applications through Xcel Energy Foundation; initial printing costs for start up in exchange for a website link and associated marketing opportunities on all future flyers; volunteer; volunteer coordinator; logo and website; or advisor on board with nonprofit management experience. If you're interested contact me at info_ncp@me.com.


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Neighbors helping neighbors

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