Letters to the Editor - A note to drivers and pedestrians - A note to drivers and pedestrians

A note to drivers and pedestrians
By: Anne Peiffer  12/01/2012
A note to drivers and pedestrians

My daughter prompted me to write this letter to Camden News after she posted the following on Facebook: “Dear Minnesota Drivers, When my dog and I are out in the street, I would appreciate it if you didn’t come speeding up to the stop sign and quick get through before I go past. If I had already walked two more feet you would have ran over my dog.”

As an avid dog walker, I was delighted when the pedestrian right of way was passed into law. And I have been very frustrated when drivers barely acknowledge my presence on the corner when I am out. However, as a driver, I also find it very hard to remember to watch out for pedestrians. There are a variety of reasons. The worst is just plain not seeing them at night; another is driving along with traffic during busy times or driving on a thoroughfare where I just don’t expect there to be many pedestrians. But that does not excuse not yielding right of way. 

When I was in high school, I visited Winnipeg, Canada. Their law included having the pedestrians hold an arm out in the direction they wanted to cross. Our hosts demonstrated this and “traffic stopped” until we were across the street. It was amazing! I wish our law included something like this. I am going to redouble my efforts to watch out for pedestrians and yield, and I sincerely apologize if my driving has meant you had to wait to cross the street. However, I am going to begin using a simple gesture to indicate that I want to cross the street when I am walking and I encourage other pedestrians to do the same.  Minnesotans are notoriously impolite drivers, but if drivers and pedestrians can work this out together, maybe we can improve.

Anne Peiffer,




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A note to drivers and pedestrians

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