Letters to the Editor - Leash your pets - Leash your pets

Leash your pets
By: John Bispala  08/01/2008
Leash your pets

 Just recently, I saw a kitty get run over by a car less than 50 feet from me! It was the usual gray cat color, an adult animal. I have no idea if it was a stray, or loved by some family. The cat just darted out from a neighbor’s yard. It never saw the car coming at urban speeds, perhaps rushing to work, and the driver never saw the cat. The cat ran under the car and was struck by the driver’s side wheels. The car swerved but never stopped, and the cat tumbled lifelessly to the pavement. A school bus turning from a side street had to make another try at turning because he didn’t want to run over it, too.
 It made me think: Leash laws save lives, just like seatbelts do! Animals cannot cope alone in a world of humans.
John Bispala


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Leash your pets

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