Letters to the Editor - New grocery a disappointment to this resident - New grocery a disappointment to this resident

New grocery a disappointment to this resident
By: Donna Seline  03/01/2008
New grocery a disappointment to this resident

          Like many folks, I was looking forward to a closer option for buying groceries in Camden when the new Aldi grocery opened. I drove over the first chance I had to check it out. Never having shopped at an Aldi before, I had no expectations.

    The quarter deposit on the cart didn’t bother me...you get it back when you put the cart back, and I had brought my own bags. Even the lack of brand names didn’t really bother me, although there were numerous items that I use regularly that were nowhere to be found. I was impressed with the fresh fruits and veggies, as well as the meat section. I picked out a number of items and headed for the check out counter. 

   Unfortunately, Aldi does not accept checks or credit cards (no signage to that effect, that I saw). They only accept cash or a bank debit card that is not backed by a major credit card company. I had to leave a cart full of groceries to be restocked because I didn’t have the appropriate method to pay. I could have used their ATM machine, though it eats up any savings to pay ATM fees. 

   Not to be thwarted, I decided to try again when I saw a good price on an item I use regularly. So cash in hand, I went shopping again and picked out a number of items, some new to me. I even tried to time my visit to avoid lunch hour or after work rush. I came to check out, only to find one cashier lane open and just ahead of me a customer with two carts full of cans, packages and grocery items. A couple minutes passed before the cashier buzzed for another check out counter to open, with at least a half dozen customers waiting.

    Finally the second lane opened at the opposite end of the store and, instead of taking those of us who had been in line for some time, she began checking out folks who had just gotten in the back of the line and happened to be there at the right time. Even my verbal protest to those shoppers didn’t elicit any sympathy by honoring the queue. As I stood there in amazement, I looked at my cart and decided I didn’t really need those groceries that badly and left the store. To add insult to injury a panhandler stood outside begging people for their carts to claim the quarter refund!

    I may try again...but then again, twice I’ve tried and twice I’ve gone home empty handed. My time is more valuable than the small amount I might have saved on their groceries. So to those of you who have not yet tried Aldi — bring lots of cash or a debit card without a national credit card logo on it, your own bags and lots of patience!

Donna Seline


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New grocery a disappointment to this resident

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