Letters to the Editor - Support health care reform - Support health care reform

Support health care reform
By: Kurt Lawrason Cleveland  09/01/2009
Support health care reform

    I am sure you all know of the push in the halls of government for healthcare reform. Far too may of us are faced with lack of affordable healthcare, no healthcare, or are on the brink of financial disaster due to mounting medical bills. Some of you are concerned about our nation's mounting budget defect and that healthcare reform may cost far too much. These are legitimate concerns. However doing nothing or burying our heads in the sand will only make things worse.

    I don't know about you but I believe we can do this! I don't think the large insurance companies will be too happy since it will drastically hurt their business. One can probably expect a lot of negative ads, scare tactics, and political lobbying from them in the coming months.

    As an unemployed former healthcare worker with a pre-existing condition I am unable to find affordable healthcare - and quite frankly if I were a business healthcare insurance provider I don't think I would insure me either. That's because most health insurance companies are businesses accountable to shareholders. I don't like the idea that my health is viewed as a profit center. Perhaps we need insurance companies, as well as physician groups, to become nonprofit (with regulations on salaries, bonuses, ect.)?

            I like the idea of a single-payer system or a system that simplifies basic healthcare plans. The cost is something everyone should contribute to. I currently pay $600 a month for an individual Cobra plan. I would gladly contribute to a public plan to lower my premiums. Join with thousands of your neighbors, friends and family and support healthcare reform by writing your senator and congress members


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Support health care reform

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