Letters to the Editor - they get that name - Where’d they get that name?

Where’d they get that name?
By: John Bispala  07/01/2007
Where’d they get that name?

    When I recently lost my cellular telephone and called Qwest Wireless about replacing it I was offered two different brands to choose between, but at the same price. One was Nokia and the other a UT Starcom. “Well, what’s the difference?” I asked. The saleswoman explained, among other features, that the UT Starcom is a “flip phone” and the Nokia is a “bar phone.”

    Gee! That was a new one on me. I’ve heard of barmaids, barkeeps, even bar bitches. I thought maybe a bar phone was a semi-private little booth off in some corner of the room, for the benefit of patrons. What could I say if the landline rang at my house, and it was my wife calling me from her “bar phone?”

    Oddly enough, the very day my new cellular arrived, she found my old bar phone, which had fallen on the basement steps!

John BispalaWebber-Camden

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Where’d they get that name?

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